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Class(8) A Funny Poesy competition
Description: A Funny Poesy competition was held for the students of classes VI-VIII on 22nd October. Humour is a great way to hook readers. Reciting poetry is a great exercise for English language learners. So, the students of Inspiration Public School were given a chance to experiment with language and vocabulary, and a chance to freely share their ideas without the confinement of perfect grammar or firm structures. Students presented their views and ideas in a very funny and poetic manner with the use of various props. It was wonderful watching them in online funny poesy competition. Students were judged based on relevance, creativity, humour and presentation. Although all the students performed marvellously but being a competition students who achieved the top positions are as follows: 1st- Anushka Pandey, 2nd: Jiivisha Sinha, Varnika Joshi, 3rd: Vidisha Tiwari

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